Nasolabial Fold Thread Lift Neutral Bay.

Are you looking to soften your nasolabial folds and restore a more youthful aesthetic? Nasolabial folds are the lines that extend from the sides of your nose to the corners of your mouth. As we age, our levels of collagen decline making our skin less elastic and less resilient. Consequently, nasolabial folds become more obvious as we age. A thread lift may be able to ‘soften’ these lines by providing a subtle lift and tighten to the area.

Enhance your beauty with our premium Nasolabial Fold Thread Lift Procedure, right here in Neutral Bay 

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A nasolabial fold thread lift may be able to provide you with immediate results that improve over time, without the need for facelift surgery. A nasolabial fold thread lift is a minimally invasive procedure designed to lift, tighten and smoothen skin, improve skin tone, soften wrinkles, lines and folds, and stimulate collagen production.

Furthermore, the long-lasting results that may be associated with thread lifting procedures are only made possible by stimulating collagen production as the threads dissolve over 18-24 months. In addition, at Kosmetik Klinik, we use industry-leading Aptos threads for our nasolabial fold thread lifting procedures.

Everything you need to know about our premium Nasolabial Fold Thread Lift Procedure

How do nasolabial fold thread lifts work?

A nasolabial fold thread lift is a relatively simple non-surgical procedure that is performed by a medical doctor. The procedure can take as little as 30 to 60 minutes, depending on your needs. To determine the best approach to cater to your needs, a consultation with the doctor performing the procedure is necessary.

Additionally, after receiving a local anaesthetic, threads are inserted under the skin to lift, tone and tighten your nasolabial folds. Over time, the threads are designed to stimulate collagen production to provide longer-lasting results.

The Benefits of Nasolabial fold Thread Lift Procedures

At Kosmetik Klinik, our nasolabial fold thread lift procedures are performed by highly experienced cosmetic doctors and industry-leading Aptos threads. The benefits of nasolabial fold thread lifting procedures may include:

  • A double-action treatment that immediately tightens and lifts the skin near the nasolabial folds as well as provides rejuvenation over time.
  • The Aptos threads used during the procedure are specifically designed to provide more grip and support to the surrounding tissue.
  • The procedure is minimally invasive and performed under local anaesthetic. Thus, there is no need to undergo surgery.
  • Minimal downtime with the treatment. That is, most people can carry on with their day as per usual and immediately return to work after the procedure.
  • Quick and convenient appointment times – 30-60 minutes.
  • Immediately evident results.
  • Stimulates collagen production and microcirculation.
  • Long-lasting effect – 18-24 months.

Before & After

Liposuction & Apto Threads

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