Penile PRP Rejuvenation Neutral Bay.

Penile Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Rejuvenation is a treatment aimed at addressing an aging penis using the healing properties from your own blood.

Enhance your beauty with our premium Penile PRP Rejuvenation Treatment, right here in Neutral Bay 

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PRP Rejuvenation is a treatment that has been used since the 1970s. Applications of PRP therapy have been used safely in many therapeutic areas such as sports medicine, dentistry, orthopaedics, hair loss, and cosmetic medicine. Penile PRP Rejuvenation is a more recent application of the technique and is designed to treat erectile dysfunction and heighten sexual satisfaction.

The treatment designed to:

  • Promote blood flow and circulation.
  • Stimulate the growth of ‘younger’ penile tissue.
  • Improve sex drive, stamina and pleasure.
  • Improve the erection quality, length and girth of an aging penis.

Everything you need to know about our premium Penile PRP Rejuvenation Treatment

What happens to the penis as we age?

From around the age of 40, men may begin to notice their penis shrink. As we age, the following may occur:

  • Fatty deposits in the arteries may reduce blood flow to the penis causing erections to become weaker.
  • Lower levels of testosterone reduce sex drive and penis size.
  • Scar tissue may exist from sporting or sex-related injuries. This can also affect erection strength.
  • Your penis may become less sensitive which may hinder arousal and potentially an orgasm.

How can Penile PRP Rejuvenation improve my penis?

Penile PRP Rejuvenation uses your blood natural healing properties to stimulate collagen production, trigger younger tissue growth and promote blood flow. This combination may allow your penis to look, feel and function like your younger penis.

Additionally, PRP Penile Rejuvenation aims to stimulate Growth Factor Proteins (cytokines). These proteins may stimulate cells to proliferate and repair tissue, increasing volume, blood supply, and rejuvenating penis tissue structure and function.

How does Penile PRP Rejuvenation work?

A Penile PRP Rejuvenation treatment may improve the appearance and function of your penis by restoring youthfulness using your blood’s own healing properties. The treatment may be able to address wrinkles, thinning tissue and sensitivity. If this is something that you are interested in, then it may be worth booking a consultation with Kosmetik Klinik.

Penile PRP Rejuvenation starts by identifying your needs. A consultation with the doctor performing the treatment is necessary to determine how much treatment is necessary to achieve your desired result.

After the amount of treatment has been determined, blood will be drawn from you just like a blood test. After the right amount of blood has been taken, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is separated using a centrifuge. The PRP is then injected into the areas of concern.

Once PRP has been injected into the targeted areas, improvements may be noticeable within 3-4 weeks. Furthermore, the effects of the treatment may last as long as 12-18 months.

How long does a Penile PRP Rejuvenation treatment take?

Penile PRP Rejuvenation is a relatively simple treatment that can be performed in an office. The treatment should take about 40 to 60 minutes. An anaesthetic may be used to numb the area before the PRP is injected into the targeted area. Following the treatment, you should be able to drive yourself home and most men can resume normal exercise and activities, including sexual activity, on the same day.

How long does Penile PRP Rejuvenation last?

Penile PRP Rejuvenation may take 3-4 weeks to see results and generally last between 12 and 18 months. Nevertheless, every individual and their circumstances are different. Furthermore, age may also be a factor in the effectiveness of the treatment.

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