Facial PRP Rejuvenation Neutral Bay.

Are you looking for a natural way to use your body’s own healing properties to rejuvenate your skin? As we age, the skin on our face loses volume and starts to thin in certain areas. Wrinkles, fine lines and folds also start to appear.

Enhance your beauty with our premium Facial PRP Rejuvenation Treatment, right here in Neutral Bay 

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PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Rejuvenation is a treatment that uses ingredients from your blood to effectively heal or rejuvenate any areas of concern.

As we age, most people experience a ‘hollowness’ under the eyes accompanied by dark spots. This is a result of a loss of volume in the skin which makes blood vessels more visible. Now, the exciting thing about PRP Rejuvenation is that it is a natural way to reverse this effect. The same treatment can be applied to wrinkles, fine lines and folds to add volume to as well as improve skin elasticity and resilience.

Everything you need to know about our premium Facial PRP Rejuvenation Treatment

How does PRP Rejuvenation improve the appearance of an aging face?

PRP Rejuvenation has long been recognised as an effective wound healing treatment. By using the natural healing properties of your own blood, PRP Rejuvenation may help to accelerate wound healing as well as repair aging skin.

Moreover, the treatment may stimulate the growth of new tissue to reduce wrinkles and improve skin quality, volume, smoothness and skin tone to achieve a more youthful aesthetic. Additionally, this treatment is known for reducing dark spots under the eyes by restoring lost volume to the area.

What areas of my face can PRP Rejuvenation target?

PRP Rejuvenation can be used anywhere on the face to address many concerns which may include:

  • Acne and scarring.
  • Hollowness and dark spots under the eyes.
  • Marionette lines.
  • Nasolabial folds.
  • Wrinkles, fine lines and folds.

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